Rachel McGlashan

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Name: Rachel McGlashan

Company: Detail 9 Architects

Job Position: Architect

What gets you up in the morning:
Working with energised motivated and people who like challenging the norm. These kinds of people are like gold, so finding them and getting to work alongside them is what gets me excited.  Of course, and coffee …. lots of coffee!

Do you have a secret you want to share:
I have a phobia of buttons …. Yes, buttons.  To be honest, I think the world would have done pretty well with zips and Velcro, but that’s just me.  I avoid them like the plague!

If you had 10 days to spend doing whatever you wanted what would you do:
Sadly, probably business planning.  I love it.  I hardly ever get the time to do it, but when I do, it rocks my world.  That and probably spending time on a tropical island with my family.  Yes, the two work together nicely don’t they?

What skill or talent do you have that people may not expect:
I can back a trailer anywhere!  Oh and drive a tractor.  Both very important skills to have in my humble opinion.

Contact Details:

Detail 9 Architects
Ph: 0417 555 824